Mother of 2, Passionate & Enthusiastic HypnoBirthing™ Educator
I have been introduced to HypnoBirthing™ when my sister-in-law got pregnant from her second child – she remembers that the birth was intense but enjoyable and the baby, oh the baby!, he was the most calm and content baby I have ever met.
I am Portuguese, living in Switzerland - imported by love – and by the time I got pregnant I was working for a multinational company, completely disconnected from the world of birthing. Among my peers the normal situation would be to handover the control to the doctors, who would know what to do to deliver a baby. But, as I learned later, during the HypnoBirthing™ classes, delivering a baby is not exactly like delivering a pizza.
In the search for information on how to best prepare for the birth, my sister-in-law's practitioner made herself available to teach us, and there we were the 3 of us – me, my husband, and my baby - learning new techniques and becoming aware about the natural functions of the woman’s body. After the first session I was not convinced if it was really possible to have an easy birth, however I was amazed by the power of mind, and the more I learned and I practiced, I started to feel confident and conscious that my body could do it.
HypnoBirthing™ gave me the tools to be in control, to understand the different procedures as well as to discuss the path of the birth always having in mind my preferences and feeling secure, together with the medical vision. It was important for me to discuss it with my doctor in advance, as well as with the midwife that attended my birth at the hospital.
Following my peaceful and empowered experience, two years later I became a Certified HypnoBirthing™ Educator – for the Mongan Method. It became my passion to bring HypnoBirthing™ to everyone’s awareness and to communicate about evidence-based techniques that seem to be hidden, especially after hearing some friends’ testimonials that broke my heart.
I truly advocate for the HypnoBirthing techniques, after my second pregnancy and another wonderful birth, I wish that more families discover how the HypnoBirthing™ Mongan Method could benefit them. The understanding of the woman's body physiology together with releasing the fears and practising different relaxation techniques will allow mummies, babies, dads, families, and even medical teams to experience positive and "suave" births.
“When you change the way you view birth, the way you birth will change.”
-Marie F. Mongan